Purpose and Foundations

  • To promote true Biblical Faith in Australia; that is to promote the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; His only begotten Son, The Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) and the coming, literal Kingdom of God, centred in Israel

Recommended Books:

  • They Never Told Me This in Church
    The Coming Kingdom of the Messiah
    The Doctrine of the Trinity
    Our Fathers who aren't in Heaven
    Dancing with the Scimitar of Islam
    The Torah: Mosaic Law or Divine Instruction

Update 2011

After our last very successful National Conference, we have all been busy in our own separate journeys; Greg having a sabbatical; Frank being very busy with researching for his new book and spending much time in Israel and I (Paul) also writing lots and busy with other speaking engagements. At this time we have no plans to start up our quarterly meetings again although some teaching series, under the auspices of The Olive Tree Connection are being planned and God-willing will come to fruition in 2012. The articles and podcasts here remain a valuable resource however.

Podcasts & latest teaching now at Meetings tab

Faith Stories by Peter Lane; Kathy Graham & Joan Westaway plus article 'The Resurrection - addressing Jewish Scepticism'.
Also copy of 'Con the World' video which has been banned by Youtube.

National conference 2009 'One God, one man, one mission' - sunshine coast, queensland

The 2009 Restoration Fellowship National Conference wass held on the Sunshine Coast this year from the 24th July to the 26th July at the Lake Lake Kawana Community Centre, Sportsman's Pde, Bokarina. 2009 National Conference flyer & Agenda - See Conference 09 Tab for Podcasts etc.
Media Release - Sir Anthony Buzzard
Restoration - A Work in Progress & A SCRIPTURAL STARTING POINT - by Peter Barfoot

recommended Websites

Frank Selch's Site: www.theolivetreeconnection.com Paul Herring's Site: www.circumcisedheart.info
Anthony Buzzard's Site: www.restorationfellowship.org
Cliff York - Pine Rivers Worship Centre http://www.pinerivers.info/  Peter Barfoot's Church Site: http://www.ormistoncfc.com.au
Steve Cook's Blog: http://christadelphian.blogspot.com/ Other Links: The Byte Show, audio interviews with Anthony Buzzard  and Greg Deuble Godfellas
Jesus the Messiah and His Kingdom, Juan Baixeras. http://www.biblecenter.de/bibliothek/autoren/baixeras.php
Jesusishuman.com  View the documentary The Human Jesus A Journal from the Radical Reformation. Back issues now available online.
KingdomReady.org [ Kingdom of God ] -- [ God is 1 not 3 ] -- [ Death is Sleep ]
Allon Maxwell's home page, incorporating "Bible Digest" and "Peacemakers for Jesus," Australia The Newton Project, Canada
Reflections of a Generic Christian, Robert Hach
YouTube videos with Anthony Buzzard: What Is the Gospel Jesus Preached? Who Is God and Jesus in the Bible